Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ideas ideas, before I forget

I've thought of some simple ideas for further development of AYNJ:
(this is a self-note; i'll email the reps about this anyways)

1. advertising for recruitment of representatives
Honestly, we need more people who have time or/and really interested in organising AYNJ activities. Sometimes the current representatives are too busy with studies it's difficult to get them to meetings where we discuss plans for activities.
So what we can do is appeal to the general student population (not through student organisations) and if they are interested in actively participating in the meetings/organising then they can apply through their respective countries' student organisations.

Thing is, we've never reached out to the student population. Well maybe we have, as participants for the various yearly activities, but not when planning and organising events. We would need more people to do brain-storming together especially when we intend to organise something new (like the AYNJ Academic Forum coming up, soon?).

How to carry out: presentations and posters.
During AYNJ Festival or career fair, we can set aside 5 minutes for a simple presentation (PR) about AYNJ, and appeal to students the other part of AYNJ, as in the management, inter-student-org communication, brain-storming sessions. Then leave a note at the end: to those interested to represent their countries please contact ur student organisation :)
Posters can help; times when time is limited to do presentations, you can just stick a poster or 2 at venues (example AYNJ Sports). You can use the catch phrase "We Need You!" - okay maybe that's lame :p But yes, something is better than nothing.

2. Academic forum
The academic forum is a totally new event for AYNJ and is still in the works. I 'd recommend reps share it among their own organisations now and bring along whatever conclusions they've reached to the next meeting. It'll save time on decision making, and we can get an idea of response (level of interest) among students.

3. Students section on homepage
And let's add a student section to the homepage :) Since we are indeed a network of student organisations let's put up something that might be helpful for students: for example about health insurance, visa renewals, university applications, upcoming seminars by JASSO etc etc. Do I have to elaborate about how this can be good to the students and AYNJ?

You read through all this??
You must either already be in AYNJ or interested in it, come come!!
How do you transform ideas into action? Cooperation; that's why we need you :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I was surprised when they put `belajar` in the CM, and even more surprised to find out what word it sounds like in Japanese :p Ah, so ridiculous..

In the mid of Raya celebs??

photo and original article at Brunei Times

Brunei had a major blackout whilst still in Raya celebrations :p
On the other hand, imagine how much CO2 production we reduced!
The occasional celebrations by candlelight and pelita oil lamps is not that bad; we did that long before electricity came to Brunei right? :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Oh, wisemen!

*** Imagine not needing to think/worry/ponder/lose hair over/get depressed about worldly issues, wouldn't that be great? Haha! :D ***

I'm sure everyone have had those days, when they're so troubled with an issue it's all they can think of night and day. I have my own issues too, but that I'll spare for another day. Wish there was someone I can talk to and get advice from. No, not from friends, because even though they're kind and caring enough to give me advice, face it, they're not convincing enough. You'd think, "Hey, but actually, they really don't know haha.." They're lacking that something... "credibility", that's the word!

Then who should we turn to for "credible" advice? Specialists? Scientists? Psychologists? Counsellers? I was reminded of old fables where villagers may turn to the village wiseman for advice; why not someone like him?? Or like Professor Dumbledore in Harry Porter. Or Gandalf the Grey from LOTR. Or the Oracle from Matrix. lol.

You know what I need?? An old man, with a great deep voice and kind eyes yet strict face, to tell me what to do. His words of wisdom would have to be concise, short, or maybe so short that the advice borders on turning into a puzzle. "Oh wiseman, please tell me what to do?" *eyes glistening with desperate tears* "Yes, thank you! Thank you so much oh wise one!!"

*Sigh* Alas, the genuine Wise Man is hard to find. Sure, you can find many wise-looking people sitting down outside Shinjuku station: fortune-teller and palm readers.. They've only met you on the spot yet they can tell you your source of troubles, when you're gonna get married etc etc, wow!! In the actual truth they don't read your fortune or lines on your palm, they read your 'aura' : as in how you look like (expressions, clothes, posture) and see how u answer their questions. Speculations here and there, programmed-responses (there has to be a manual for these), and an utterly convincing presentation that they'll make you believe they know everything about you, basically. Whether there are people who can actually see the future (especially yours of all people) only God knows ;)

What was I talking about again?? Oh yes, the genuine, ultimate 'Wise man'. Someone who knows everything about you and has all the wisdom in the world to give you the one correct, definitely fail-proof answer you need. But hold on.. who would know everything about ourselves? Parents, only what you tell them :) Friends, well a special few, but they've never lived with you your whole life :p And definitely not people you just met on the street right? Nope, no one, except ourselves..

After paragraphs of musing and typing, this is what I come to?? Conclusion: there is no such person as a genuine wise man. We can ask around for ideas, but all-in-all looks like we have to think and make decisions for ourselves. Argh.

*frustrated* End.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

麻酔科 Rotation: 28/09-02/10

Rotations restarts tomorrow after the week-long holiday ('Silver week'). I'm actually going back to work; after too long a holiday you might go crazy trying to find something to do. Okay, maybe not you, but I would.

Starting tomorrow: 麻酔科 (Anesthesiology) clinical rotation for one week.
For those not familiar, Anesthesiology is where patients get medication to put them in a painless sleep during a surgery, and where they can also get medication to cope with post-operative, or even surgery-unrelated pain (they have a 'Pain clinic' just for that). We did the theory (and memorizing) back in the 4th year already but... Humans do forget yeah? Eheh.. Revision revision revision :/

If I find time I'll put something abt what I re-learned through rotation.

To the both of you

Shy, funny and passionate,
kind yet selfish, conservative but receptive.
Critics yet imperfect, traditional but tolerant,
proud and humble.
Well-meaning critical thinkers with warm hearts,
making mistakes and clumsy at emotional expressions..
I've never said it out loud,
but I'm proud of the both of you.
I love you very much, my parents, I really do :)

- Raya Day 4, Facebook post

Dedicated to myself

"Hello world!" -

I'm setting this up as belated-birthday present for myself.
Here's your chance to make sense of that cloud of thoughts constantly hovering round you head Shalena. *pats self on back* :)